Sunday, November 07, 2004

An especially humorless note on rap

From my rap experience it has become clear that the violence and misogyny is part of the form, and to a degree without meaning. When an artist creates a new work they use their knowledge of the form- they warp it, break it down, and work against it- but not without it. And the form of rap, the basic vocabulary is of aggression and dominant sexuality.
The mental process has parts in common with translation. These rap subjects may not be part of the way the artist speaks in every day life but during composition he uses them the same way a poet may suddenly decide to describe the outdoors. To use these subjects is false to the writer's life but not to the form.
This doesn't remove an artist's responsibility for what he expresses but seeks to put it in context. In a sense saying that rap itself is party responsible: that technique and subject are not as easily divisible as we may assume them to be.

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