Sunday, May 01, 2005


This morning and last night I've been doing some painful rereading of previous posts. There were the expected grammar errors- missing words, unnecessary voice changes, and many poor connections.
More time consuming and more frustrating was the poor thinking. Paragraphs speeding up and braking instead of falling in line. Typing instead of thinking ("in the middle of the crux"). A level of pretentiousness much higher than expected.
The fix for much of the pretension was easy. Many sentences could be cut out with no loss of meaning. It reminded me a little of photography, some cropping is for effect but the "no-brainers" are the removal of flood lights and photographer feet.
The most common content changes were substituting "I" for "you" and the removal of "I"s. The "You"s caused too many voice changes and seemed too aggressive. A post about viewing art in galleries has enough problems without me telling you what you must feel when you are viewing it. Also "You"s being generic are easier to change over to "I" or eliminate.

This was a removal of the real knee-bangers. Someday I hope to learn the finer points of which is "which", which is "that".

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