Sunday, September 25, 2005

Palm beach brings out the best in writers

Money is cheap on the Gold Coast, and there is a lot of it floating around. A thirteen-year-old boy recently found a million dollars' worth of big, finely cut diamonds in a brown bag on the railroad tracks near Hollywood. His aunt made him turn in the loot, but nobody claimed it, and his neighbors called him a fool. Which was true. There is no place for Horatio Algers down her on the Gold Coast; hard work and clean living will get you a bag of potato chips and a weekend job scraping scum off the hull of your neighbor's new Cigarette boat.
Hunter s. Thompson

"The drama of diamonds! Yes, diamonds are a girl's best friend... This exquisite necklace! A unison of noble gems. Yours for a mere - $250,000."
This was the seasonal Gucci party, given at the Gucci arcade and fronted by Gucci himself (or, rather, by 'Doctor Aldo Gucci' himself. 'Doctor': don't you love it?) Gucci himself is a resplendently handsome maniac with operatic manners and impossible English. 'Let us give thanks that God has forgiven this evening' and so on. Swanky girls and jinking pretty-boys modeled the Doc's latest creations. Gucci then repaired to the minstrel's gallery and, with a tambourine in one hand and a microphone in the other, actually mimed to the songs being played be the sedative pop group behind him.
Martin Amis

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